Preferred Editor Shortcuts


Shortcut Purpose


Duplicate selection


Save all


Save as


Toggle comment


Cut line


Move line up


Move line down


Expand selection


Shrink selection


Previous cursor position


Nex cursor position


Paste from multi clipboard


Convert to uppercase


Convert to lowercase


Toggle header/source in other window


Toggle header/source


Follow symbol in other window


Follow symbol

Putty Settings

  • Connection type: SSH

  • Close window on exit: Never

Terminal  Features
  • Disable Application keypad mode +

Terminal  Bell
  • Action to happen when a bell occurs: Visual bell (flash window)

  • Taskbar/caption indication: Flashing

  • Lines of scrollback: 20000

  • Reset scrollback on keypress +

  • Reset scrollback on display activity -

Window  Appearance
  • Font: Lucida Console, 9-point

  • Font quality: ClearType

  • Gap between text and window edge: 3

Window  Behaviour
  • Window closes on ALT-F4 +

  • System menu appears on ALT alone +

  • Full screen on Alt-Enter +

Window  Translation
  • Character set: UTF-8

  • Handling of line drawing characters: Unicode

Window  Selection
  • Action of mouse buttons: xterm (Right extends, Middle pastes)

  • Paste to clipboard in RTF as well as plain text +

Table 1. Window  Colours
Name Red Green Blue





ANSI Blue Bold




  • Seconds between keepalives (0 to turn off): 25

Connection  SSH
  • Enable compression +

  • Preferred SSH protocol version: 2 only

Connection  SSH  X11
  • Enable X11 forwarding +

Telefonközpont-menü kezelés tárcsázással


Interactive Voice Response

Adott karakter automatikus küldése a hívott félnek: Telefonszám+kontroll karakter+szám

Pl. kapcsolás után vár 2 mp-et, elküldi az 1-est, vár 2*2 másodpercet, elküldi a 4-est.:

Kód Jelentés

, (colon)

vár 2 másodpercet

; (semicolon)

feldob egy ablakot, gombnyomásra megy tovább

UTP kábel bekötés

Blankolás: 15/12 mm

Ha lefelé álló pöcökkel bedugod (feléd áll ki a dugóból a kábel), akkor balról kezdődnek a színek. A színek bekötési sorrendje a TIA/EIA-568|TIA/EIA-568B szabvány szerint értendő.

Egyenes: B-B
Kereszt: A-B


ZF, Z, NF, K, KF, N, BF, B


NF, N, ZF, K, KF, Z, BF, B

Rövidítés Szín


















Vodka kocka


  • 2 zacskó tortazselé/aszpik

  • fél liter vodka

  • 2 evőkanál cukor

Elkészítjük a zselét (a zacskó hátulján rajta van, hogyan kell), de az előírtnál 20%-al kevesebb folyadékkal. Amikor készen van, egy téglalap alakú edénybe töltjük, de jégkockatartókba is lehet. A cukrot elkeverjük benne, majd 2-5 percet állni hagyjuk, míg le nem hül, de még nem dermed meg. Ekkor adjuk hozzá a vodkát és óvatosan elkeverjük, hűtőbe rakjuk. Megdermedés után 2x2cm-es kockákra vágjuk föl és mignon-os papíron tálaljuk.

FIGYELEM: 3-4 kocka = feles!

Kakaós süti, a mikróból


  • 4 evőkanál liszt

  • 4 evőkanál cukor

  • 2 evőkanál kakaó

  • 1 (teljes)tojás

  • 3 evőkanál tej

  • 3 evőkanál olaj

  • forma amiben beteszed a mikróba

A 4 ek. lisztet és a 2 ek. kakaót összekevered. Ezalatt a tojással a 4 ek. cukrot összekutyulod. Ha a tojásos cukros massza már szépen összeállt, akkor azt hozzáöntöd a kakaós liszthez. Ezt ismét összekevered. Utána megy hozzá a 3 ek. tej, majd a 3 ek. olaj, és az egészet csomómentesre kevered. Ezt már be is teheted sütni, vagy valamibe beleöntöd(bögre, műzlistál, műanyagforma, mindegy, csak bírja a mikrohullámú sütőt). A sütés, az 3 perc, 1000W-on (max fokozat általában). Készüléke válogatja, hogy ez hány Watt, de figyelni kell hogy dagad, és ha már nem dagad tovább, akkor már nem kell sokáig maradnia a mikróban. Sütés közben, körülbelül a másfélszeresére dagad…​ ezzel számoljatok.


Kukorica chips


  • 2 csésze (1,5 dl) előfőzött kukoricaliszt (kukoricalepény liszt néven kapható)

  • 1 csésze víz

  • 1/4 csésze olvasztott margarin

  • 1 mokkáskanál só

  • 5 mokkáskanál parmezán sajt

A sütőt beállítom 170 °C-ra.
A hozzávalókat összegyúrom, és két lap sütőpapír közt 1,5 mm vastagra nyújtom. Fontos az egyenletes tésztavastagság, hogy mindenütt egyformán süljön át. A megadott mennyiséget egy normál méretű tepsi hátán 2 adagban lehet megsütni. Ha kész, a felső papírt óvatosan lehúzom róla, és az alsó papírral átcsúsztatom a tepsi hátára. Ott egy éles késsel tetszőleges darabokra vágom. (Nekünk a 4 cm oldalélű négyzet nagyon bevált.) Betolom a már meleg sütőbe és légkeveréses üzemmódban 16-17 percig sütöm. Akkor jó, ha a teteje pici aranybarna színt kap. Ha hamar kiszedjük, rágós, ha későn, nagyon sült ízű lesz. Ha a darabok összesültek, egyszerűen széttördelem, és egy tányérra rakom. Ha több menetben készül, ugyan az a sütőpapírpár többször is felhasználható.

Burgonyachips light


  • 3 nagy burgonya

  • kevés olaj

  • provence-i fűszerkeverék (vagy tetszés szerinti más fűszer)

Meghámozzuk a burgonyákat, majd nagyon vékonyra szeleteljük. Ezután langyos vízzel leöblítjük, majd alaposan megszárítjuk. A burgonyaszeleteket egy tányérra rakjuk, olajba mártott ecsettel megkenjük, meghintjük a fűszerrel, majd megfordítjuk, és a másik oldalon is elvégezzük a műveletet. A mikrohullámú sütőt 850 Wattra állítjuk, és 4-5 percig sütjük a burgonyát. Ha ennyi idő kevésnek bizonyulna, még 1-2 perccel lehet tovább sütni.

Előkészítés: 10 perc
Sütés: 5 perc



  • 10 dkg zsír

  • 1 kg marhahús

  • 1 kg sertésdagadó vagy lapocka

  • 20 dkg füstöltsonka

  • 40 dkg vöröshagyma

  • 4-5 gerezd fokhagyma

  • kis tubus pirosarany

  • 3 evőkanál pirospaprika

  • 3 db hegyes, erős zöldpaprika

  • 2 db paradicsom

  • 2 dl vörösbor

  • só, bors, ízlés szerint

Borbás Marcsi tudja, hogy az alapszabály mindenhol ugyanaz: ahogy a jó borhoz elengedhetetlen a jó hordó, úgy a jó pincepörkölt csak bográcsban készülhet. Mégis, ha megkívánja, egyszerűen otthon lábasban is elkészíti. Ezúttal a balatonrendesiek receptjét választotta, mert nagyon egyszerű, szinte lehetetlen elrontani, ha jó minőségűek az alapanyagok.

A pincepörkölt általában kétféle húsból készül. Marhából lehetőleg lábszárat használjunk, sertésből pedig dagadót és lapockát. A fűszerek mellett a házi füstölt szalonna is nagy szerepet játszik. Ha nincs, az sem baj: bármilyen füstölt hús megteszi, amelyik nem csontos. A siker titka a húsok rétegezése. Fontos, hogy jóféle húsokat vegyünk, Marcsi szürke marhából és mangalicából szokta főzni a pincepörköltet. Előkészítésként a húsokat nagyjából egyforma falatnyi kockákra vágja, a vöröshagymát és a szalonnát pedig apróra. A pincepörköltnél nem szükséges előre megpirítani a hagymát, mert rétegesen rakjuk a húsok közé. Amikor a hozzávalókat a bográcsba, vagy a lábosba rakosgatja, legalulra kerül a szalonna, erre a hagyma fele, aztán a marhahús jön, erre a többi hagyma, arra a sertéshús. Ezután tetejére a só, a fokhagyma és végül a csípős zöldpaprika és a cikkekre vágott paradicsom. Mielőtt felteszi főni, felönti annyi vízzel, hogy éppen csak ellepje a húst. Amikor már rotyog és kezdi elfőni a levét, jóféle borocskát önt rá. Az őrölt pirospaprikát csak a vége felé, amikor már majdnem puha a hús, akkor adja hozzá. Ha kiadósabbra, bővebb szafttal készíti, akkor, amíg főnek a húsok, meghámoz fejenként egy-két krumplit, felvágja és a lábas (vagy bogrács) tetején szépen elrendezi a hasábokat. Még húsz percig főzi kislángon, és már készen is van. Azt tanácsolja, hogy friss, ropogós, saját készítésű fehér kenyérrel fogyasszuk. Az igazi pincepörkölthöz persze egy kis éneklés is kell, attól csak jobban esik az étel.

A málé

Hozzávalók (egy tepsihez)

  • 50 dkg kukoricaliszt

  • forró víz

Leginkább csak hallomásból ismert, lassan feledésbe merülő népi ételünk a málé, amit a háziasszonyok évszázadokon át készítettek. A málé elnevezés a legelterjedtebb, de vidékenként más neveken is ismeretes. Tésztáját is változatosan készítik, ahány vidék, annyiféle málé. Van ahol a kukoricaliszt helyett búza-, vagy hajdinalisztből sütik, tésztájába még tököt, almát is kevernek. Az ízletes, édeskés lepény kedvelt reggeli vagy uzsonna lehet. Lekvárral leöntve, töltve, gyümölccsel tálalva egészséges finomság, amit a gyerekek is szívesen majszolnak.

Egy tálba öntött kukoricalisztbe apránként keverjünk forró vizet addig, míg galuskasűrűségű tésztamasszát kapunk. Ekkor a tálat letakarjuk, és legalább 6-8 órán át meleg helyen pihentetjük. Egy, a gáz- vagy villanysütőhöz járó, lapos tepsit, vagy két kisebb peremes tepsit kivajazunk, és beleöntjük a tésztát. Elsimítjuk a tetejét, és 20-30 perc alatt közepesen meleg sütőben megsütjük a málét. Akkor jó, ha a széle kissé megpirul. Tűpróbával ellenőrizhetjük, hogy átsült-e a közepe is, Ha kihűlt, tetszés szerint felszeleteljük. Azért fontos, hogy betartsuk a pihentetési időt, mert az alatt a kukoricaliszt keményítőtartalma részben átalakul, lebomlik cukorrá, ettől lesz édes a málé.


Other files




cpio -id < <initramfs>


systemd-analyze blame
systemd-analyze critical-chain
systemd-analyze plot > boot.svg

systemctl isolate <>
systemctl get-default
systemctl set-default <>
systemctl reboot

systemctl enable/disable/start/stop/mask/unmask
systemctl status
systemctl list-unit-files
systemctl list-units
systemctl list-units --type service --state running
systemctl edit <service>
systemctl edit --full
systemctl --failed --all
systemctl set-property
(ip accounting, ipaddressallow.../devicepolicy, deviceallow)

systemctl list-dependencies
systemctl list-dependencies --reverse

(timedatectl set-ntp yes)


### journalctl

    -k (dmesg)
    -b < boot_number > (How many reboots ago 0, -1, -2, etc.)
    -o short-precise (dmesg -T)
    -p priority Filter by priority output (4 to filter out notice and info).
All boot cycles : journalctl -o short-precise -k -b all
Current boot : journalctl -o short-precise -k
Last boot : journalctl -o short-precise -k -b -1
Two boots prior : journalctl -o short-precise -k -b -2

journalctl -u <unit>
journalctl -b # log begin from boot
journalctl -e # log end
journalctl -f
write log to disk (binary format): mkdir -p /var/log/journal



4 partition limit 32bit addr. limit (2TB)

extended logical partiton use links, if a link broken lose all…​

Sentinel 2bytes '0xAA55' bootable

backup: dd if=/dev/sda of=/rot/sda.mbr count=1 bs=512 restore: dd of=/rot/sda.mbr if=/dev/sda


list: lsblk, blkid ruin mbr: dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sdb count=1 bs=512

fdisk /dev/sdb

parted /dev/sdb mklabel msdos
parted /dev/sdb print

gdisk /dev/sdb
GUID Partition tabel - GPT

need kernel support 64bit addr. (2ZB) CRC32 chksum

grub install /dev/sdb
grub-install hd0
grub-install --recheck hd0

mount -o remount,ro /
grub2-mkconfig -o
grub2-script-check -v <config>



ulimit -a
ulimit -Hu
ulimit -Su
ulimit -u 3000

    ldd /bin/bash

ss -ntl
ss -l '( sport = :ssh )'

Software Management

dpkg --get-selections
dpkg --get-selections | grep deinstall
dpkg --get-selections | grep -w install
dpkg --purge $(dpkg --get-selections | grep deinstall | cut -f1)

dpkg-reconfigure debconf # set to ask for everything
dpkg-reconfigure tzdata
add-apt-repository <<ppa>


dpkg -l vim
dpkg -L vim
dpkg -S /usr/bin/vim.basic

dpkg -i prog.deb
apt clean

apt show nginx
apt search apache
search in name: aptitude search ~nApache
search in description: aptitude search ~dApache

dpkg-architecture -L

chown -R root.root packages/
dpkg-deb  --build packages/ <targetdebname.deb>

File access control

stat <fie/dir>

sticky bit (/tmp,...)
chmod o+t
chmod 1777

sgid bit (apache docroot)
chgrp apache /var/www/html
chmode g+s ...

suid bit (/usr/bin/passwd)

mkdir -m 770


capsh --print
aa-autodep ping

Managing file server


net rpc services list -U root

dpkg-reconfigure openssh-server
ssh-keygen -R <ip>

apt install samba winbind?

ss -ntl
ss -tl
grep -Ew '(139|445)/tcp' /etc/services
smbdr/nmbd/winbind -.service

pdbedit --create root
prinft "%s\n%s\n" pass1 pass1 | sudo pdbedit -a -t <username>
pdbedit --list
    -w -v -u

pdbedit -P "masimum password age"
pdbedit -P ""

nmblookup samba
smbstatus -V
smbstatus -b

grep -FB2 'passdb backend' smb.conf

testparm -s
testparm -sv --show-al-parameters

net share
smbclient -L


HANDY ONE-LINERS FOR AWK                                  22 July 2003
compiled by Eric Pement <>           version 0.22
   Latest version of this file is usually at:


    Unix:  awk '/pattern/ {print "$1"}'    # standard Unix shells
 DOS/Win:  awk '/pattern/ {print "$1"}'    # okay for DJGPP compiled
           awk "/pattern/ {print \"$1\"}"  # required for Mingw32

Most of my experience comes from version of GNU awk (gawk) compiled for
Win32. Note in particular that DJGPP compilations permit the awk script
to follow Unix quoting syntax '/like/ {"this"}'. However, the user must
know that single quotes under DOS/Windows do not protect the redirection
arrows (<, >) nor do they protect pipes (|). Both are special symbols
for the DOS/CMD command shell and their special meaning is ignored only
if they are placed within "double quotes." Likewise, DOS/Win users must
remember that the percent sign (%) is used to mark DOS/Win environment
variables, so it must be doubled (%%) to yield a single percent sign
visible to awk.

If I am sure that a script will NOT need to be quoted in Unix, DOS, or
CMD, then I normally omit the quote marks. If an example is peculiar to
GNU awk, the command 'gawk' will be used. Please notify me if you find
errors or new commands to add to this list (total length under 65
characters). I usually try to put the shortest script first.


 # double space a file
 awk '1;{print ""}'
 awk 'BEGIN{ORS="\n\n"};1'

 # double space a file which already has blank lines in it. Output file
 # should contain no more than one blank line between lines of text.
 # NOTE: On Unix systems, DOS lines which have only CRLF (\r\n) are
 # often treated as non-blank, and thus 'NF' alone will return TRUE.
 awk 'NF{print $0 "\n"}'

 # triple space a file
 awk '1;{print "\n"}'


 # precede each line by its line number FOR THAT FILE (left alignment).
 # Using a tab (\t) instead of space will preserve margins.
 awk '{print FNR "\t" $0}' files*

 # precede each line by its line number FOR ALL FILES TOGETHER, with tab.
 awk '{print NR "\t" $0}' files*

 # number each line of a file (number on left, right-aligned)
 # Double the percent signs if typing from the DOS command prompt.
 awk '{printf("%5d : %s\n", NR,$0)}'

 # number each line of file, but only print numbers if line is not blank
 # Remember caveats about Unix treatment of \r (mentioned above)
 awk 'NF{$0=++a " :" $0};{print}'
 awk '{print (NF? ++a " :" :"") $0}'

 # count lines (emulates "wc -l")
 awk 'END{print NR}'

 # print the sums of the fields of every line
 awk '{s=0; for (i=1; i<=NF; i++) s=s+$i; print s}'

 # add all fields in all lines and print the sum
 awk '{for (i=1; i<=NF; i++) s=s+$i}; END{print s}'

 # print every line after replacing each field with its absolute value
 awk '{for (i=1; i<=NF; i++) if ($i < 0) $i = -$i; print }'
 awk '{for (i=1; i<=NF; i++) $i = ($i < 0) ? -$i : $i; print }'

 # print the total number of fields ("words") in all lines
 awk '{ total = total + NF }; END {print total}' file

 # print the total number of lines that contain "Beth"
 awk '/Beth/{n++}; END {print n+0}' file

 # print the largest first field and the line that contains it
 # Intended for finding the longest string in field #1
 awk '$1 > max {max=$1; maxline=$0}; END{ print max, maxline}'

 # print the number of fields in each line, followed by the line
 awk '{ print NF ":" $0 } '

 # print the last field of each line
 awk '{ print $NF }'

 # print the last field of the last line
 awk '{ field = $NF }; END{ print field }'

 # print every line with more than 4 fields
 awk 'NF > 4'

 # print every line where the value of the last field is > 4
 awk '$NF > 4'


 # IN UNIX ENVIRONMENT: convert DOS newlines (CR/LF) to Unix format
 awk '{sub(/\r$/,"");print}'   # assumes EACH line ends with Ctrl-M

 # IN UNIX ENVIRONMENT: convert Unix newlines (LF) to DOS format
 awk '{sub(/$/,"\r");print}

 # IN DOS ENVIRONMENT: convert Unix newlines (LF) to DOS format
 awk 1

 # IN DOS ENVIRONMENT: convert DOS newlines (CR/LF) to Unix format
 # Cannot be done with DOS versions of awk, other than gawk:
 gawk -v BINMODE="w" '1' infile >outfile

 # Use "tr" instead.
 tr -d \r <infile >outfile            # GNU tr version 1.22 or higher

 # delete leading whitespace (spaces, tabs) from front of each line
 # aligns all text flush left
 awk '{sub(/^[ \t]+/, ""); print}'

 # delete trailing whitespace (spaces, tabs) from end of each line
 awk '{sub(/[ \t]+$/, "");print}'

 # delete BOTH leading and trailing whitespace from each line
 awk '{gsub(/^[ \t]+|[ \t]+$/,"");print}'
 awk '{$1=$1;print}'           # also removes extra space between fields

 # insert 5 blank spaces at beginning of each line (make page offset)
 awk '{sub(/^/, "     ");print}'

 # align all text flush right on a 79-column width
 awk '{printf "%79s\n", $0}' file*

 # center all text on a 79-character width
 awk '{l=length();s=int((79-l)/2); printf "%"(s+l)"s\n",$0}' file*

 # substitute (find and replace) "foo" with "bar" on each line
 awk '{sub(/foo/,"bar");print}'           # replaces only 1st instance
 gawk '{$0=gensub(/foo/,"bar",4);print}'  # replaces only 4th instance
 awk '{gsub(/foo/,"bar");print}'          # replaces ALL instances in a line

 # substitute "foo" with "bar" ONLY for lines which contain "baz"
 awk '/baz/{gsub(/foo/, "bar")};{print}'

 # substitute "foo" with "bar" EXCEPT for lines which contain "baz"
 awk '!/baz/{gsub(/foo/, "bar")};{print}'

 # change "scarlet" or "ruby" or "puce" to "red"
 awk '{gsub(/scarlet|ruby|puce/, "red"); print}'

 # reverse order of lines (emulates "tac")
 awk '{a[i++]=$0} END {for (j=i-1; j>=0;) print a[j--] }' file*

 # if a line ends with a backslash, append the next line to it
 # (fails if there are multiple lines ending with backslash...)
 awk '/\\$/ {sub(/\\$/,""); getline t; print $0 t; next}; 1' file*

 # print and sort the login names of all users
 awk -F ":" '{ print $1 | "sort" }' /etc/passwd

 # print the first 2 fields, in opposite order, of every line
 awk '{print $2, $1}' file

 # switch the first 2 fields of every line
 awk '{temp = $1; $1 = $2; $2 = temp}' file

 # print every line, deleting the second field of that line
 awk '{ $2 = ""; print }'

 # print in reverse order the fields of every line
 awk '{for (i=NF; i>0; i--) printf("%s ",i);printf ("\n")}' file

 # remove duplicate, consecutive lines (emulates "uniq")
 awk 'a !~ $0; {a=$0}'

 # remove duplicate, nonconsecutive lines
 awk '! a[$0]++'                     # most concise script
 awk '!($0 in a) {a[$0];print}'      # most efficient script

 # concatenate every 5 lines of input, using a comma separator
 # between fields
 awk 'ORS=%NR%5?",":"\n"' file


 # print first 10 lines of file (emulates behavior of "head")
 awk 'NR < 11'

 # print first line of file (emulates "head -1")
 awk 'NR>1{exit};1'

  # print the last 2 lines of a file (emulates "tail -2")
 awk '{y=x "\n" $0; x=$0};END{print y}'

 # print the last line of a file (emulates "tail -1")
 awk 'END{print}'

 # print only lines which match regular expression (emulates "grep")
 awk '/regex/'

 # print only lines which do NOT match regex (emulates "grep -v")
 awk '!/regex/'

 # print the line immediately before a regex, but not the line
 # containing the regex
 awk '/regex/{print x};{x=$0}'
 awk '/regex/{print (x=="" ? "match on line 1" : x)};{x=$0}'

 # print the line immediately after a regex, but not the line
 # containing the regex
 awk '/regex/{getline;print}'

 # grep for AAA and BBB and CCC (in any order)
 awk '/AAA/; /BBB/; /CCC/'

 # grep for AAA and BBB and CCC (in that order)
 awk '/AAA.*BBB.*CCC/'

 # print only lines of 65 characters or longer
 awk 'length > 64'

 # print only lines of less than 65 characters
 awk 'length < 64'

 # print section of file from regular expression to end of file
 awk '/regex/,0'
 awk '/regex/,EOF'

 # print section of file based on line numbers (lines 8-12, inclusive)
 awk 'NR==8,NR==12'

 # print line number 52
 awk 'NR==52'
 awk 'NR==52 {print;exit}'          # more efficient on large files

 # print section of file between two regular expressions (inclusive)
 awk '/Iowa/,/Montana/'             # case sensitive


 # delete ALL blank lines from a file (same as "grep '.' ")
 awk NF
 awk '/./'


Special thanks to Peter S. Tillier for helping me with the first release
of this FAQ file.

For additional syntax instructions, including the way to apply editing
commands from a disk file instead of the command line, consult:

"sed & awk, 2nd Edition," by Dale Dougherty and Arnold Robbins
  O'Reilly, 1997
"UNIX Text Processing," by Dale Dougherty and Tim O'Reilly
  Hayden Books, 1987
"Effective awk Programming, 3rd Edition." by Arnold Robbins
  O'Reilly, 2001

To fully exploit the power of awk, one must understand "regular
expressions." For detailed discussion of regular expressions, see
"Mastering Regular Expressions, 2d edition" by Jeffrey Friedl
   (O'Reilly, 2002).

The manual ("man") pages on Unix systems may be helpful (try "man awk",
"man nawk", "man regexp", or the section on regular expressions in "man
ed"), but man pages are notoriously difficult. They are not written to
teach awk use or regexps to first-time users, but as a reference text
for those already acquainted with these tools.

USE OF '\t' IN awk SCRIPTS: For clarity in documentation, we have used
the expression '\t' to indicate a tab character (0x09) in the scripts.
All versions of awk, even the UNIX System 7 version should recognize
the '\t' abbreviation.

#---end of file---



dpkg-reconfigure tzdata
dpkg-reconfigure locales
update-alternatives --config editor

stty -a
stty stop undef
tree paranccsal
find . -type d | sed -e "s/[^-][^\/]*\//  |/g" -e "s/|\([^ ]\)/|-\1/"
tree paranccsal, - git mappa, + fájlok
find . -not -path "./.git/*" | sed -e "s/[^-][^\/]*\//  |/g" -e "s/|\([^ ]\)/|-\1/"
cal | sed "s/^/ /;s/$/ /;s/ $(date +%e) / $(date +%e | sed 's/./#/g') /"
fájlok típus szerint
find ${*-.} -type f | xargs file | awk -F, '{print $1}' | awk '{$1=NULL;print $0}' | sort | uniq -c | sort -nr
könyvtár megosztás http-n a 8000 porton
python -c "import SimpleHTTPServer;SimpleHTTPServer.test()"

Billentyű kombináció

Kombináció Leírás


rekurzív keresés a parancs historyban


konzol ablak törlése/frissítése


kurzortól balra eső rész levágása


kurzortól jobbra eső rész levágása


sor elejére ugrás


sor végére ugrás


tolres a az elozo space-ig


vágólapra másolás


vágólapról beillesztés


előző parancs utolso paraméterének behelyettesítése


előző parancs NUM-adik helyen lévő paraméterének behelyettesítése (alt+-<NUM>, szamoza a sor vegetol)


a beírt wildcard-ok behelyettesítése


alias, history, expansion alkalmazás a beírt parancson


beírt parancs szerkesztése a VISUAL-ban megadott szerkesztőben

Brace expansion

echo _{I,want,my,money,back}
_I _want _my _money _back

echo {I,want,my,money,back}_
I_ want_ my_ money_ back_

echo _{I,want,my,money,back}-
_I- _want- _my- _money- _back-

echo {5..12}
5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

echo {1..10..2}
1 3 5 7 9

echo {c..k}
c d e f g h i j k

echo 1.{0..9}
1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9

echo {A..Z}{0..9}
A0 A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 A8 A9 B0 B1 B2 B3 ...

mkdir /home/bash/test/{foo,bar,baz,dog}

somecommand -v{,,,,}
somecommand -v -v -v -v -v

History expansion

Parancs Leírás


előző parancs megismétlése

!n / !-n

n-edik vagy n-el ezelőtti parancs


legútóbbi string-el kezdődő parancs


a parancs eddig beírt része

!!:$ / !$

előző parancs utolsó argumentuma

Word designators Leírás


előző fi-vel kezdődő parancs 2. arugmentuma

0 (zero)

The 0th word. For many applications, this is the command word.


The nth word.


The first argument; that is, word 1.


The last argument.


The word matched by the most recent ‘?string?’ search.


A range of words; ‘-y’ abbreviates ‘0-y’.


All of the words, except the 0th. This is a synonym for ‘1-$’. It is not an error to use ‘*’ if there is just one word in the event; the empty string is returned in that case.


Abbreviates ‘x-$’


Abbreviates ‘x-$’ like ‘x*’, but omits the last word.

Modifier Leírás


előző parancsból levágja a kezdő elérési utat valamint a kiterjesztést


Remove a trailing pathname component, leaving only the head.


Remove all leading pathname components, leaving the tail.


Remove a trailing suffix of the form ‘.suffix’, leaving the basename.


Remove all but the trailing suffix.


Print the new command but do not execute it.


Quote the substituted words, escaping further substitutions.


Quote the substituted words as with ‘q’, but break into words at spaces, tabs, and newlines.


Substitute new for the first occurrence of old in the event line. Any delimiter may be used in place of ‘/’. The delimiter may be quoted in old and new with a single backslash. If ‘&’ appears in new, it is replaced by old. A single backslash will quote the ‘&’. The final delimiter is optional if it is the last character on the input line.


Repeat the previous substitution.

g /a

Cause changes to be applied over the entire event line. Used in conjunction with ‘s’, as in gs/old/new/, or with ‘&’.


Apply the following ‘s’ modifier once to each word in the event.

Subshell etc.

# command in subshell, return value

# read file content
$(< file)

# command output as filename

Script template

#!/usr/bin/env sh

set -o errexit      # (-e) exit immediately when a command fails
set -o nounset      # (-u) treat unset variables as an error and exit immediately
# set -o errtrace     # (-E) inherit custom signal traps
set -o pipefail     # set status code to the last failed command in a pipe if any
# set -o xtrace       # (-x) print each command before executing it

Midnight Commander

alias mc='. /usr/lib/mc/'
Bill. kombináció Funkció


Parancssor megjelenítése


adott fájlra/mappára ugrás


adott fájl/mappa nevének másolása a parancssorba


parancssorban kiegészítés


sorszámok edit/view ablakban


másik panel váltása az aktuális könyvtárra


config/mc/ini: skin=modarin256


% : karaktersorozatot helyettesít
_ : egy karaktert helyettesít

mysql -u username -p

select * from ezmegaz into outfile FIELDS TERMINATED BY ',' LINES TERMINATED BY '\n';
mysqldump -u username -ppassword > /tmp/alldatabases.sql
mysqldump -u username -ppassword databasename tablename > /tmp/databasename.tablename.sql


.csv: LOAD DATA INFILE '/tmp/filename.csv' INTO TABLE [table name] FIELDS TERMINATED BY ',' LINES TERMINATED BY '\n' (field1,field2,field3);
tab : LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE "infile.txt" INTO TABLE [table name];

create database [databasename];
drop database [database name];
ALTER DATABASE [database name] CHARACTER SET utf8;
show databases;
use [database name];

CREATE TABLE [table name] (
  firstname VARCHAR(20) not null auto_increment primary key,
  lastname VARCHAR(35) default 'bato',
  email VARCHAR(35),
  phone VARCHAR(25),
  datestamp DATE,
  timestamp time,
  pgpemail VARCHAR(255)
CREATE TABLE [table name] (
  id int auto_increment,
  primary key (`id`)

show tables;
drop table [table name];
describe [table name]; = show columns from [table name];
show create table [table name];

INSERT INTO [table name] (Host,User,Password) VALUES('%','user',PASSWORD('password'));
INSERT INTO [table name] VALUES('12','home','mobile');

SELECT * FROM [table name];
SELECT * FROM [table name] WHERE [column name] = "whatever";
SELECT * FROM [table name] WHERE [column name] IN ("Kovács", "Tóth");
SELECT * FROM [table name] WHERE fizetes BETWEEN 20000 AND 30000 LIMIT 10,20;
SELECT * FROM [table name] ORDER BY name, email ASC/DESC;
SELECT name AS nev,fizu FROM [table name] GROUP BY name;
select id,count(*) as n from [table name] group by id having  n > 1;
SELECT * FROM [table name] WHERE name like "Bob%" AND phone_number = '3444444'  and price=(SELECT MAX(price) FROM shop);
SELECT * FROM [table name] WHERE rec RLIKE "^a$";
SELECT * FROM innivalo_kategoria LEFT OUTER JOIN innivalo ON innivalo_kategoria_id = kategoria;
select * from pub_innivalo as t1 where felveve = (select max(felveve) from pub_innivalo where pub = and innivalo = t1.innivalo);

DELETE from [table name] where [column name] = "whatever";

RENAME table [old name] to [new name];

update [table name] set fizetes=(fizetes * 1.2);
update [table name] set fizetes = 255, nev = "Bela", kor = 15 where id = 1;
update [table name] set [column name] = "new_value" WHERE record_name = "value";
update [database name] set [table name] = REPLACE([table name],"[String to Search For]","[String Replacement]");


alter table [table name] add constraint check [column name] in ('bla',1,2,'asd');

alter table [table name] add primary key (column name);

alter table [table name] alter [column name] SET DEFAULT blaa;

alter table [table name] add column [new column name] varchar(20);
alter table [table name] add column [new column name] varchar(20) AFTER col_name;
alter table [table name] drop column [column name];

alter table [table name] modify [column name] VARCHAR(3) First auto_increment;
alter table [table name] change [old column name] [new column name] varchar(50);

alter table [table name] add unique ([column name]);
alter table [table name] drop index [colmn name];

select lookup.illustrationid, lookup.personid,person.birthday from lookup
left join person on lookup.personid=person.personid=statement to join birthday in person table with primary illustration id;

field1 = value1
field1 <> value1
field1 LIKE "value _ %"
field1 IS NULL
field1 IS NOT NULL
field1 IS IN (value1, value2)
field1 IS NOT IN (value1, value2)
condition1 AND condition2
condition1 OR condition2


How to use diff

The basic use of diff is
diff -u original.txt modified.txt > file.patch
If you want to use diff against two source tree, the command is
diff -rupN original modified > program.patch

How to use patch

To apply the patch, change into the same directory as the unmodified file and execute
patch < file.patch
This is how to apply patch to an entire directory
patch -p0 < program.patch
Patch applied can be simply removed by adding the -R switch
patch -p0 -R < program.patch
patch -R < file.patch


Parancs Magyarázat

screen -c /dev/null

config betoltes..

screen -S bla

létrehozás bla névvel

screen -rD

eloterbehoz (D máshol futó screent is előhozza)

ctrl+a d

háttérbe küld

ctrl+a c

új ablak

ctrl+a shift+a

nevet ad



ctrl+a ESC

másoló mód, szöveg kivál space



C-a :bufferfile notes.txt

noteszfájl beállítás…​

screen -list

Quick Reference

Getting in

start a new screen session:


attach to a running session:

screen -r

the ultimate attach: screen -dRR` (Attaches to a screen session. If the session is attached elsewhere, detaches that other display. If no session exists, creates one. If multiple sessions exist, uses the first one.)

Escape key

All screen commnds are prefixed by an escape key, by default C-a (thatĺs Control-a, sometimes written ^A). To send a literal C-a to the programs in screen, use C-a a. Getting out


C-a d

exit screen:

exit all of the programs in screen.

force-exit screen:

C-a C-\ (not recommended)


See help: C-a ? (lists keybindings)

Window Management

create new window:

C-a c

change to last active window:

C-a C-a

change to window by number:

C-a <number> (only for windows 0 to 9)

change to window by number or name:

C-a ' <number or title>

change to next window in list:

C-a n or C-a <space>

change to previous window in list:

C-a p

see window list:

C-a ô

close current window:

Close all applications in the current window (including shell)

kill current window:

C-a K (not recommended)

Split screen

split display:

C-a S

jump to next display region:

C-a tab

remove current region:

C-a X

remove all regions but the current one:

C-a Q


redraw window:

C-a C-l

enter copy mode:

C-a [ (also used for viewing scrollback buffer)


C-a ]

monitor window for activity:

C-a M

monitor window for silence:

C-a _

enter digraph:

C-a C-v

lock (password protect) display:

C-a x

enter screen command:

C-a :


USEFUL ONE-LINE SCRIPTS FOR SED (Unix stream editor)        Dec. 29, 2005
Compiled by Eric Pement - pemente[at]northpark[dot]edu        version 5.5

Latest version of this file (in English) is usually at:

This file will also available in other languages:
  Chinese     -
  Czech       -
  Dutch       -
  French      -
  German      -
  Italian     -
  Portuguese  -
  Spanish     -


 # double space a file
 sed G

 # double space a file which already has blank lines in it. Output file
 # should contain no more than one blank line between lines of text.
 sed '/^$/d;G'

 # triple space a file
 sed 'G;G'

 # undo double-spacing (assumes even-numbered lines are always blank)
 sed 'n;d'

 # insert a blank line above every line which matches "regex"
 sed '/regex/{x;p;x;}'

 # insert a blank line below every line which matches "regex"
 sed '/regex/G'

 # insert a blank line above and below every line which matches "regex"
 sed '/regex/{x;p;x;G;}'


 # number each line of a file (simple left alignment). Using a tab (see
 # note on '\t' at end of file) instead of space will preserve margins.
 sed = filename | sed 'N;s/\n/\t/'

 # number each line of a file (number on left, right-aligned)
 sed = filename | sed 'N; s/^/     /; s/ *\(.\{6,\}\)\n/\1  /'

 # number each line of file, but only print numbers if line is not blank
 sed '/./=' filename | sed '/./N; s/\n/ /'

 # count lines (emulates "wc -l")
 sed -n '$='


 # IN UNIX ENVIRONMENT: convert DOS newlines (CR/LF) to Unix format.
 sed 's/.$//'               # assumes that all lines end with CR/LF
 sed 's/^M$//'              # in bash/tcsh, press Ctrl-V then Ctrl-M
 sed 's/\x0D$//'            # works on ssed, gsed 3.02.80 or higher

 # IN UNIX ENVIRONMENT: convert Unix newlines (LF) to DOS format.
 sed "s/$/`echo -e \\\r`/"            # command line under ksh
 sed 's/$'"/`echo \\\r`/"             # command line under bash
 sed "s/$/`echo \\\r`/"               # command line under zsh
 sed 's/$/\r/'                        # gsed 3.02.80 or higher

 # IN DOS ENVIRONMENT: convert Unix newlines (LF) to DOS format.
 sed "s/$//"                          # method 1
 sed -n p                             # method 2

 # IN DOS ENVIRONMENT: convert DOS newlines (CR/LF) to Unix format.
 # Can only be done with UnxUtils sed, version 4.0.7 or higher. The
 # UnxUtils version can be identified by the custom "--text" switch
 # which appears when you use the "--help" switch. Otherwise, changing
 # DOS newlines to Unix newlines cannot be done with sed in a DOS
 # environment. Use "tr" instead.
 sed "s/\r//" infile >outfile         # UnxUtils sed v4.0.7 or higher
 tr -d \r <infile >outfile            # GNU tr version 1.22 or higher

 # delete leading whitespace (spaces, tabs) from front of each line
 # aligns all text flush left
 sed 's/^[ \t]*//'                    # see note on '\t' at end of file

 # delete trailing whitespace (spaces, tabs) from end of each line
 sed 's/[ \t]*$//'                    # see note on '\t' at end of file

 # delete BOTH leading and trailing whitespace from each line
 sed 's/^[ \t]*//;s/[ \t]*$//'

 # insert 5 blank spaces at beginning of each line (make page offset)
 sed 's/^/     /'

 # align all text flush right on a 79-column width
 sed -e :a -e 's/^.\{1,78\}$/ &/;ta'  # set at 78 plus 1 space

 # center all text in the middle of 79-column width. In method 1,
 # spaces at the beginning of the line are significant, and trailing
 # spaces are appended at the end of the line. In method 2, spaces at
 # the beginning of the line are discarded in centering the line, and
 # no trailing spaces appear at the end of lines.
 sed  -e :a -e 's/^.\{1,77\}$/ & /;ta'                     # method 1
 sed  -e :a -e 's/^.\{1,77\}$/ &/;ta' -e 's/\( *\)\1/\1/'  # method 2

 # substitute (find and replace) "foo" with "bar" on each line
 sed 's/foo/bar/'             # replaces only 1st instance in a line
 sed 's/foo/bar/4'            # replaces only 4th instance in a line
 sed 's/foo/bar/g'            # replaces ALL instances in a line
 sed 's/\(.*\)foo\(.*foo\)/\1bar\2/' # replace the next-to-last case
 sed 's/\(.*\)foo/\1bar/'            # replace only the last case

 # substitute "foo" with "bar" ONLY for lines which contain "baz"
 sed '/baz/s/foo/bar/g'

 # substitute "foo" with "bar" EXCEPT for lines which contain "baz"
 sed '/baz/!s/foo/bar/g'

 # change "scarlet" or "ruby" or "puce" to "red"
 sed 's/scarlet/red/g;s/ruby/red/g;s/puce/red/g'   # most seds
 gsed 's/scarlet\|ruby\|puce/red/g'                # GNU sed only

 # reverse order of lines (emulates "tac")
 # bug/feature in HHsed v1.5 causes blank lines to be deleted
 sed '1!G;h;$!d'               # method 1
 sed -n '1!G;h;$p'             # method 2

 # reverse each character on the line (emulates "rev")
 sed '/\n/!G;s/\(.\)\(.*\n\)/&\2\1/;//D;s/.//'

 # join pairs of lines side-by-side (like "paste")
 sed '$!N;s/\n/ /'

 # if a line ends with a backslash, append the next line to it
 sed -e :a -e '/\\$/N; s/\\\n//; ta'

 # if a line begins with an equal sign, append it to the previous line
 # and replace the "=" with a single space
 sed -e :a -e '$!N;s/\n=/ /;ta' -e 'P;D'

 # add commas to numeric strings, changing "1234567" to "1,234,567"
 gsed ':a;s/\B[0-9]\{3\}\>/,&/;ta'                     # GNU sed
 sed -e :a -e 's/\(.*[0-9]\)\([0-9]\{3\}\)/\1,\2/;ta'  # other seds

 # add commas to numbers with decimal points and minus signs (GNU sed)
 gsed -r ':a;s/(^|[^0-9.])([0-9]+)([0-9]{3})/\1\2,\3/g;ta'

 # add a blank line every 5 lines (after lines 5, 10, 15, 20, etc.)
 gsed '0~5G'                  # GNU sed only
 sed 'n;n;n;n;G;'             # other seds


 # print first 10 lines of file (emulates behavior of "head")
 sed 10q

 # print first line of file (emulates "head -1")
 sed q

 # print the last 10 lines of a file (emulates "tail")
 sed -e :a -e '$q;N;11,$D;ba'

 # print the last 2 lines of a file (emulates "tail -2")
 sed '$!N;$!D'

 # print the last line of a file (emulates "tail -1")
 sed '$!d'                    # method 1
 sed -n '$p'                  # method 2

 # print the next-to-the-last line of a file
 sed -e '$!{h;d;}' -e x              # for 1-line files, print blank line
 sed -e '1{$q;}' -e '$!{h;d;}' -e x  # for 1-line files, print the line
 sed -e '1{$d;}' -e '$!{h;d;}' -e x  # for 1-line files, print nothing

 # print only lines which match regular expression (emulates "grep")
 sed -n '/regexp/p'           # method 1
 sed '/regexp/!d'             # method 2

 # print only lines which do NOT match regexp (emulates "grep -v")
 sed -n '/regexp/!p'          # method 1, corresponds to above
 sed '/regexp/d'              # method 2, simpler syntax

 # print the line immediately before a regexp, but not the line
 # containing the regexp
 sed -n '/regexp/{g;1!p;};h'

 # print the line immediately after a regexp, but not the line
 # containing the regexp
 sed -n '/regexp/{n;p;}'

 # print 1 line of context before and after regexp, with line number
 # indicating where the regexp occurred (similar to "grep -A1 -B1")
 sed -n -e '/regexp/{=;x;1!p;g;$!N;p;D;}' -e h

 # grep for AAA and BBB and CCC (in any order)
 sed '/AAA/!d; /BBB/!d; /CCC/!d'

 # grep for AAA and BBB and CCC (in that order)
 sed '/AAA.*BBB.*CCC/!d'

 # grep for AAA or BBB or CCC (emulates "egrep")
 sed -e '/AAA/b' -e '/BBB/b' -e '/CCC/b' -e d    # most seds
 gsed '/AAA\|BBB\|CCC/!d'                        # GNU sed only

 # print paragraph if it contains AAA (blank lines separate paragraphs)
 # HHsed v1.5 must insert a 'G;' after 'x;' in the next 3 scripts below
 sed -e '/./{H;$!d;}' -e 'x;/AAA/!d;'

 # print paragraph if it contains AAA and BBB and CCC (in any order)
 sed -e '/./{H;$!d;}' -e 'x;/AAA/!d;/BBB/!d;/CCC/!d'

 # print paragraph if it contains AAA or BBB or CCC
 sed -e '/./{H;$!d;}' -e 'x;/AAA/b' -e '/BBB/b' -e '/CCC/b' -e d
 gsed '/./{H;$!d;};x;/AAA\|BBB\|CCC/b;d'         # GNU sed only

 # print only lines of 65 characters or longer
 sed -n '/^.\{65\}/p'

 # print only lines of less than 65 characters
 sed -n '/^.\{65\}/!p'        # method 1, corresponds to above
 sed '/^.\{65\}/d'            # method 2, simpler syntax

 # print section of file from regular expression to end of file
 sed -n '/regexp/,$p'

 # print section of file based on line numbers (lines 8-12, inclusive)
 sed -n '8,12p'               # method 1
 sed '8,12!d'                 # method 2

 # print line number 52
 sed -n '52p'                 # method 1
 sed '52!d'                   # method 2
 sed '52q;d'                  # method 3, efficient on large files

 # beginning at line 3, print every 7th line
 gsed -n '3~7p'               # GNU sed only
 sed -n '3,${p;n;n;n;n;n;n;}' # other seds

 # print section of file between two regular expressions (inclusive)
 sed -n '/Iowa/,/Montana/p'             # case sensitive


 # print all of file EXCEPT section between 2 regular expressions
 sed '/Iowa/,/Montana/d'

 # delete duplicate, consecutive lines from a file (emulates "uniq").
 # First line in a set of duplicate lines is kept, rest are deleted.
 sed '$!N; /^\(.*\)\n\1$/!P; D'

 # delete duplicate, nonconsecutive lines from a file. Beware not to
 # overflow the buffer size of the hold space, or else use GNU sed.
 sed -n 'G; s/\n/&&/; /^\([ -~]*\n\).*\n\1/d; s/\n//; h; P'

 # delete all lines except duplicate lines (emulates "uniq -d").
 sed '$!N; s/^\(.*\)\n\1$/\1/; t; D'

 # delete the first 10 lines of a file
 sed '1,10d'

 # delete the last line of a file
 sed '$d'

 # delete the last 2 lines of a file
 sed 'N;$!P;$!D;$d'

 # delete the last 10 lines of a file
 sed -e :a -e '$d;N;2,10ba' -e 'P;D'   # method 1
 sed -n -e :a -e '1,10!{P;N;D;};N;ba'  # method 2

 # delete every 8th line
 gsed '0~8d'                           # GNU sed only
 sed 'n;n;n;n;n;n;n;d;'                # other seds

 # delete lines matching pattern
 sed '/pattern/d'

 # delete ALL blank lines from a file (same as "grep '.' ")
 sed '/^$/d'                           # method 1
 sed '/./!d'                           # method 2

 # delete all CONSECUTIVE blank lines from file except the first; also
 # deletes all blank lines from top and end of file (emulates "cat -s")
 sed '/./,/^$/!d'          # method 1, allows 0 blanks at top, 1 at EOF
 sed '/^$/N;/\n$/D'        # method 2, allows 1 blank at top, 0 at EOF

 # delete all CONSECUTIVE blank lines from file except the first 2:
 sed '/^$/N;/\n$/N;//D'

 # delete all leading blank lines at top of file
 sed '/./,$!d'

 # delete all trailing blank lines at end of file
 sed -e :a -e '/^\n*$/{$d;N;ba' -e '}'  # works on all seds
 sed -e :a -e '/^\n*$/N;/\n$/ba'        # ditto, except for gsed 3.02.*

 # delete the last line of each paragraph
 sed -n '/^$/{p;h;};/./{x;/./p;}'


 # remove nroff overstrikes (char, backspace) from man pages. The 'echo'
 # command may need an -e switch if you use Unix System V or bash shell.
 sed "s/.`echo \\\b`//g"    # double quotes required for Unix environment
 sed 's/.^H//g'             # in bash/tcsh, press Ctrl-V and then Ctrl-H
 sed 's/.\x08//g'           # hex expression for sed 1.5, GNU sed, ssed

 # get Usenet/e-mail message header
 sed '/^$/q'                # deletes everything after first blank line

 # get Usenet/e-mail message body
 sed '1,/^$/d'              # deletes everything up to first blank line

 # get Subject header, but remove initial "Subject: " portion
 sed '/^Subject: */!d; s///;q'

 # get return address header
 sed '/^Reply-To:/q; /^From:/h; /./d;g;q'

 # parse out the address proper. Pulls out the e-mail address by itself
 # from the 1-line return address header (see preceding script)
 sed 's/ *(.*)//; s/>.*//; s/.*[:<] *//'

 # add a leading angle bracket and space to each line (quote a message)
 sed 's/^/> /'

 # delete leading angle bracket & space from each line (unquote a message)
 sed 's/^> //'

 # remove most HTML tags (accommodates multiple-line tags)
 sed -e :a -e 's/<[^>]*>//g;/</N;//ba'

 # extract multi-part uuencoded binaries, removing extraneous header
 # info, so that only the uuencoded portion remains. Files passed to
 # sed must be passed in the proper order. Version 1 can be entered
 # from the command line; version 2 can be made into an executable
 # Unix shell script. (Modified from a script by Rahul Dhesi.)
 sed '/^end/,/^begin/d' file1 file2 ... fileX | uudecode   # vers. 1
 sed '/^end/,/^begin/d' "$@" | uudecode                    # vers. 2

 # sort paragraphs of file alphabetically. Paragraphs are separated by blank
 # lines. GNU sed uses \v for vertical tab, or any unique char will do.
 sed '/./{H;d;};x;s/\n/={NL}=/g' file | sort | sed '1s/={NL}=//;s/={NL}=/\n/g'
 gsed '/./{H;d};x;y/\n/\v/' file | sort | sed '1s/\v//;y/\v/\n/'

 # zip up each .TXT file individually, deleting the source file and
 # setting the name of each .ZIP file to the basename of the .TXT file
 # (under DOS: the "dir /b" switch returns bare filenames in all caps).
 echo @echo off >zipup.bat
 dir /b *.txt | sed "s/^\(.*\)\.TXT/pkzip -mo \1 \1.TXT/" >>zipup.bat

TYPICAL USE: Sed takes one or more editing commands and applies all of
them, in sequence, to each line of input. After all the commands have
been applied to the first input line, that line is output and a second
input line is taken for processing, and the cycle repeats. The
preceding examples assume that input comes from the standard input
device (i.e, the console, normally this will be piped input). One or
more filenames can be appended to the command line if the input does
not come from stdin. Output is sent to stdout (the screen). Thus:

 cat filename | sed '10q'        # uses piped input
 sed '10q' filename              # same effect, avoids a useless "cat"
 sed '10q' filename > newfile    # redirects output to disk

For additional syntax instructions, including the way to apply editing
commands from a disk file instead of the command line, consult "sed &
awk, 2nd Edition," by Dale Dougherty and Arnold Robbins (O'Reilly,
1997;, "UNIX Text Processing," by Dale Dougherty
and Tim O'Reilly (Hayden Books, 1987) or the tutorials by Mike Arst
distributed in U-SEDIT2.ZIP (many sites). To fully exploit the power
of sed, one must understand "regular expressions." For this, see
"Mastering Regular Expressions" by Jeffrey Friedl (O'Reilly, 1997).
The manual ("man") pages on Unix systems may be helpful (try "man
sed", "man regexp", or the subsection on regular expressions in "man
ed"), but man pages are notoriously difficult. They are not written to
teach sed use or regexps to first-time users, but as a reference text
for those already acquainted with these tools.

QUOTING SYNTAX: The preceding examples use single quotes ('...')
instead of double quotes ("...") to enclose editing commands, since
sed is typically used on a Unix platform. Single quotes prevent the
Unix shell from intrepreting the dollar sign ($) and backquotes
(`...`), which are expanded by the shell if they are enclosed in
double quotes. Users of the "csh" shell and derivatives will also need
to quote the exclamation mark (!) with the backslash (i.e., \!) to
properly run the examples listed above, even within single quotes.
Versions of sed written for DOS invariably require double quotes
("...") instead of single quotes to enclose editing commands.

USE OF '\t' IN SED SCRIPTS: For clarity in documentation, we have used
the expression '\t' to indicate a tab character (0x09) in the scripts.
However, most versions of sed do not recognize the '\t' abbreviation,
so when typing these scripts from the command line, you should press
the TAB key instead. '\t' is supported as a regular expression
metacharacter in awk, perl, and HHsed, sedmod, and GNU sed v3.02.80.

VERSIONS OF SED: Versions of sed do differ, and some slight syntax
variation is to be expected. In particular, most do not support the
use of labels (:name) or branch instructions (b,t) within editing
commands, except at the end of those commands. We have used the syntax
which will be portable to most users of sed, even though the popular
GNU versions of sed allow a more succinct syntax. When the reader sees
a fairly long command such as this:

   sed -e '/AAA/b' -e '/BBB/b' -e '/CCC/b' -e d

it is heartening to know that GNU sed will let you reduce it to:

   sed '/AAA/b;/BBB/b;/CCC/b;d'      # or even
   sed '/AAA\|BBB\|CCC/b;d'

In addition, remember that while many versions of sed accept a command
like "/one/ s/RE1/RE2/", some do NOT allow "/one/! s/RE1/RE2/", which
contains space before the 's'. Omit the space when typing the command.

OPTIMIZING FOR SPEED: If execution speed needs to be increased (due to
large input files or slow processors or hard disks), substitution will
be executed more quickly if the "find" expression is specified before
giving the "s/.../.../" instruction. Thus:

   sed 's/foo/bar/g' filename         # standard replace command
   sed '/foo/ s/foo/bar/g' filename   # executes more quickly
   sed '/foo/ s//bar/g' filename      # shorthand sed syntax

On line selection or deletion in which you only need to output lines
from the first part of the file, a "quit" command (q) in the script
will drastically reduce processing time for large files. Thus:

   sed -n '45,50p' filename           # print line nos. 45-50 of a file
   sed -n '51q;45,50p' filename       # same, but executes much faster

If you have any additional scripts to contribute or if you find errors
in this document, please send e-mail to the compiler. Indicate the
version of sed you used, the operating system it was compiled for, and
the nature of the problem. To qualify as a one-liner, the command line
must be 65 characters or less. Various scripts in this file have been
written or contributed by:

 Al Aab                   # founder of "seders" list
 Edgar Allen              # various
 Yiorgos Adamopoulos      # various
 Dale Dougherty           # author of "sed & awk"
 Carlos Duarte            # author of "do it with sed"
 Eric Pement              # author of this document
 Ken Pizzini              # author of GNU sed v3.02
 S.G. Ravenhall           # great de-html script
 Greg Ubben               # many contributions & much help


Kicsomagolni tar állományt
tar -xvvf file.tar
Megadott könyvtárba kicsomagolás
tar -xvf file.tar -C /destination/dir/
Kitömöríteni tar.Z állományt
tar -xvZf file.tar.Z
Kitömöríteni gzippelt állományt
tar -xvzf file.tar.gz
Kitömöríteni bzippelt állományt
tar -xvjf file.tar.bz2 (vagy tar -xvIf file.tar.bz2 régebbi tar esetén)
Arhiv készítés c kapcsolóval az x helyett, eloször az arhív állományt kell magadni majd utána a tömörítendő anyagot. pl. :
tar cvvjf file.tar.bz2 /tmp/file1.kit /mashol/file2.kit /teljesdir
tar --exclude=bm-20071027.tgz -Lczf bm-20071027.tgz ~


A snapshot fálban tárolja a lementett fájlok adatait, ugyan azt a fájlt többször megadva incrementális mentés jön létre.

Biztonsági másolat készítés
tar --listed-incremental=work.snapshot -cvf work-20150105-0937.full.tar /path/to/dir
tar --listed-incremental=/dev/null -xvf work-20150105-0937.full.tar


Kapcsoló Magyaráza


verbose mode










Z állomány

-f <filename>

kimenetei/bemeneti fájl használata

-C <path>

kicsomagolás a megadott helyre


követi a symlinkeket.


nem veszi figyelembe a "valami" -t


inkrementális mentések készítése



Parancs Magyarázat

fenc (fileencoding)

Set utf-8 encoding (latin1 is usual).

ft (filetype)

Set .module as php file type (with syntax).

ff (fileformat)


ai (autoindent)

Copy indent when starting new line.

si (smartindent)

Indent when starting a new line after '{'.

sw (shiftwidth)

Number of spaces to use for autoindent steps.

ts (tabstop)

Number of spaces that a tab counts for.

et (expandtab)

Use spaces to insert a tab.

nu (number)

Precede each line with its line number.

fdm (foldmethod)

Fold code by indent.

fdn (foldnestmax)

1 maximum nesting (functions in module).

Pl: vim:fenc=utf-8:ft=php:ai:si:ts=2:sw=2:et:nu:fdm=indent:fdn=1:


Mirror wget

copy /b *.txt combined.txt
wget -m -w 2 -p  -k -E -P\wget_files\example1
wget -m -w 3 -p -P\wget_files\example2

( --no-parent -nc -c )

wget --save-cookies cookies.txt --keep-session-cookies --post-data 'login_e_mail=&login_passwd='

wget --load-cookies cookies.txt -w 1 -i files.txt
wget --load-cookies cookies.txt --content-disposition -w 2 -i files.txt


Kapcsoló Leírás

-A list; list


-R list; list



html extension


linkek konvertálása


vár mp-t






fájból veszi a címeket


kikapcsolja gazdagép-névvel megegyezo könyvtár létrehozását






ha a letöltés nem a megfelelő névvel jön létre (pl index.html stb.)


Security key stored on the hardware key, with name ssh:lesser and 250 KDF rounds (eg: yubikey)

ssh-keygen -t ed25519-sk -a 250 -Oresident -Oapplication=ssh:lesser -f ~/.ssh/ed25519_sk_lesser

Load key to ssh agent from the device

ssh-add -K



export GNUPGHOME=$(mktemp -d)
wget -O $GNUPGHOME/gpg.conf

gpg --expert --full-generate-key
# certity capatiblity only
export KEYID=0x....

gpg --expert --edit-key $KEYID
    uid 1

gpg -K
# gpg --export $KEYID | hokey lint

gpg --armor --export-secret-keys $KEYID > $GNUPGHOME/mastersub.key
gpg --armor --export-secret-subkeys $KEYID > $GNUPGHOME/sub.key

gpg --gen-revoke $KEYID --output $GNUPGHOME/revoke.asc

gpg --armor --export $KEYID | sudo tee $GNUPGHOME/gpg-$KEYID-$(date +%F).txt
gpg --export-ssh-key $KEYID

# cp -avi $GNUPGHOME /mnt/encrypted-storage/
# gpg --keyserver --send-key $KEYID

gpg --card-edit

gpg --edit-key $KEYID
    key 1
    key 1
    key 2

gpg -K


gpg --import /mnt/0x*txt
# gpg --recv $KEYID

gpg --edit-key $KEYID

gpg --card-status

# echo "test message string" | gpg --encrypt --armor --recipient $KEYID -o encrypted.txt
# gpg --decrypt --armor encrypted.txt
# echo "test message string" | gpg --armor --clearsign > signed.txt
# gpg --verify signed.txt
# secret () {
#         output=~/"${1}".$(date +%s).enc
#         gpg --encrypt --armor --output ${output} -r 0x0000 -r 0x0001 -r 0x0002 "${1}" && echo "${1} -> ${output}"
# }
# reveal () {
#         output=$(echo "${1}" | rev | cut -c16- | rev)
#         gpg --decrypt --output ${output} "${1}" && echo "${1} -> ${output}"
# }

cd ~/.gnupg

# export GPG_TTY="$(tty)"
# export SSH_AUTH_SOCK="/run/user/$UID/gnupg/S.gpg-agent.ssh"
# gpg-connect-agent updatestartuptty /bye > /dev/null

export GPG_TTY="$(tty)"
export SSH_AUTH_SOCK=$(gpgconf --list-dirs agent-ssh-socket)
gpgconf --launch gpg-agent

# on win10 with gpg4win and git bash
eval $(/usr/bin/ssh-pageant -r -a "/tmp/.ssh-pageant-$USERNAME")
# ssh-add -L # list keys

gpgconf --kill gpg-agent

Quick way

# create a template for the master key
$ cat gen-params
%echo Generating a basic OpenPGP key
Key-Type: RSA
Key-Length: 4096
Key-Usage: cert
Name-Real: Joe Tester
Expire-Date: 0
Passphrase: hey
# Do a commit here, so that we can later print "done" :-)
%echo done

# generate master key (only certification), save fingerprint
gpg --batch --generate-key gen-params
FPR=$(gpg --list-options show-only-fpr-mbox --list-secret-keys | awk '{print $1}')

# generate sign, encrypt and auth subkeys
gpg --batch --passphrase 'hey' --quick-add-key $FPR rsa4096 sign 1y
gpg --batch --passphrase 'hey' --quick-add-key $FPR rsa4096 encrypt 1y
gpg --batch --passphrase 'hey' --quick-add-key $FPR rsa4096 auth 1y